Simeon Genadiev

Simeon first came to the United States at the tender age of four years old. His family was fleeing oppression and in search of better life. Despite not speaking a word of English when he first arrived to this country, Simeon was able to put himself through college at the State University of New York. He graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Business Administration, all before his 20th birthday. After graduating with honors from the University of Miami School of Law at age 22, Simeon went straight to work fighting for the people. At the Miami-Dade Consumer Protection Division he helped fight consumer fraud, economic crimes, and unfair business practices. After serving the great citizens of Miami-Dade County, Simeon went into private practice. He has spent his career in private practice working assiduously on getting compensation for birth injury victims, burn injury victims, personal injury victims, sexual assault victims, gunshot victims, medical malpractice victims, and many many more. Whether it be injuries sustained as a result of someone else’s negligence, economic injuries, or injuries caused by unscrupulous corporations, Simeon will doggedly fight for you and will not give up until your rights are vindicated.
When Simeon is not trying jury cases before some of the toughest defense attorneys in the country, he is focused on civic involvement and inspiring change. Following his achievements in the courtroom, Simeon felt compelled to raise awareness throughout the community regarding the tragic impact of gun violence. After the events surrounding Parkland and the many other mass shootings that have occurred since, Simeon has sought to spearhead several initiatives aimed at taking this problem head on. In addition to his work rallying community groups and government organizations to help address gun violence, Simeon has also made significant efforts to tackle the problem of human trafficking. Right here in South Florida, our communities fall prey to criminal gangs that seek to exploit the most vulnerable men, women, and children among us. Through awareness efforts and outreach programs, Simeon is fighting to ensure that no one becomes yet another statistic in the fight against human trafficking.
Simeon’s involvement in numerous jury verdicts and consumer class actions, has shaped his legal career, but it is his passion and dedication to the community that sets him apart. As for his clients?
Every single day, Simeon tries to embody the phrase, “you’re not just a client, you’re family.”